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登记日 : 2014.12.24 查询数 : 1341
题目 Moody's upgraded FC LT deposit ratings to A2 [ 釜山?行 ]

[July 25, 2007] Moody's upgrade Busan Bank's Foreing Currency Long term/Short term depost ratings to A2/P1 from previous A3/P2, as the government's long-term foreign currency and local currency was raised to A2 from A3.

Following is the press release made by Moody's Investors Service.



Detailed rating considerations for Busan Bank's currently assigned ratings, as follows: Bank Financial Strength Rating Moody's has assigned a C- BFSR to Busan Bank. Foreign Currency Deposit Rating Moody's assigns A2/P-1foreign currency deposit ratings to Busan, in line with local currency ones.

ABOUT MOODY'S BANK RATINGS Bank Financial Strength RatingMoody's Bank Financial Strength Ratings (BFSRs) represent Moody's opinion of a bank's intrinsic safety and soundness and, as such, exclude certain external credit risks and credit support elements that are addressed by Moody's Bank Deposit Ratings.
